Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Crazy Tablecloth

I bought a jelly roll of blue and green fabric strips. To my surprise they were rather busily patterned. Not my own personal taste but I made them into a table cloth. It took quite a lot of thinking after making the strips into a piece and then figuring out the triangles. I actually cut it wrong so ended up with a completely different design than I started out with! The old addage goes, measure once cut twice! its very true.


  1. Hi Grace,
    i wonder if you can help me. I'm trying to find this jelly roll. I bought it a couple of years ago and I need another one exactly the same but I can't remember where I bought it from. Do you happen to know where you bought it from?
    Many thanks

  2. Hi Frederica, thanks for looking at my profile :) Unfortunately I bought the fabric on ebay a couple of years ago, and its no longer for sale. I wasn't given a name for the fabric as it was sold as green and blue bundle.
